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About Daven's Music:

Musician Daven Roberson arranges, performs, and records piano and vocal music that bridges multiple eras and genres. His feel good style is rooted in a gumbo of classic soul, rhythm & blues, jazz, pop, gospel and country. Daven has been performing and recording professionally since 2001.




Daven featured in the Original Mini Docu-series - Hustle & Heart. 

 It was a honor to be featured in Hustle & Heart Episode IV. I was awesome to also be asked to compose the soundtrack as well!

Hustle & Heart is an original mini docu-series that explores the cornerstones of success—hard work and creativity. In each new episode, they go in the trenches with exceptional men and women who are committed to achieving their goals.

Brought to you by Black Tent, the Official Film Crew of Doers, Dreamers, and Go-Getters™.

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